"Gratitude Will Change Your Attitude"

You Have So Much To Be Grateful For - You Just Don't Know It - Yet!

Develop the attitude of gratitude

So many people believe they have nothing to be grateful for, but it's not true.  You have so much you just don't realise it!

That's what I recommend you journal each day.

In my gratitude journal you will:
  • Reflect deeply on you life
  • Find many things you are grateful for
  • Realise that you are loved
  • Change your attitude to life
Are you ready to adopt the attitude of gratitude?

If so you have just one thing left to do:
Start To Journal About Your Gratitude
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Here's a quick look inside:
Each day you have a thought to reflect on and a question to answer.
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Your order will be delivered right away, please ensure you look for an email from richard@richardbutler.coach. Please note as this is a digital ebook all sales are final.


Different versions of the course, indicating the advantages for the customers, depending on their goals and the level of initial knowledge.

Package №1

Portrait of the client in terms of his experience and goals

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Package №2

Portrait of the client in terms of his experience and goals

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Package №3

Portrait of the client in terms of his experience and goals

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Richard Butler
145, Gran via de les corts catalanes 
Email: richard@richardbutler.coach
Who is Richard Butler?
Great question!

Richard is a life and business coach who specilises in helping you ahieve the life of your dreams.

After years of working for others Richard escaped the rat race and wants to help you do the same.
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